Three Reasons Why You Should Expand Your Dance Repertoire!
Sometimes we may only want to learn one style of dancing such as salsa or swing. However, this can limit our dance opportunities. Below is a few reasons as to why expanding your dance repertoire is helpful and useful for your dancing and learning.
Stylising: Each dance has its own unique thing to offer in terms of styling. While some styles may be similar, they are all different in their own way and can help you discover things that may be applicable to other dances. If you like a particular arm styling in a certain dance, then see if/how you can use it in a different dance.
We all want to be good at dancing and sometimes we can get focused on wanting to learn one style and nailing it. However, remember sometimes it’s better to be a versatile and adaptable dancer with knowledge and skills from many different styles. After all they say the a “jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one”.
Book your first free lesson to find out more about the different styles offered here at Arthur Murray.