Salsa & Bachata Dance Classes
Salsa is a true nightclub dance that fits onto small crowded floors & is a real must for latin social dancing.
The Bachata is a latin dance with simple footwork & strong hip movements. The music is romantic in nature, reflecting the story of love & heartbreak.
Learn to Dance Salsa & Bachata
Salsa & Bachata History
Salsa is the Spanish word for "sauce" denoting a spicy or hot flavour. As a dance, it can be danced to a variety of different rhythms. Generically, Salsa music encompasses many Afro-Latin rhythms driven by the clave (two wooden sticks struck together). Today's Salsa is the result of many years of rhythmical evolution due to economical, social and political change.
The Bachata originated in the countryside of the Dominican Republic. The dance is a direct reflection of the music being played in the nightclubs during the 1960s. The Bachata has close ties to the Cuban Bolero.
Salsa & Bachata Characteristics
Danced to four beats using only three steps, each step being a beat long, the remaining beat is used as a tag to the last step or perhaps an adorning (tap, kick or pause) movement called a highlight. Steps can be travelling or on the spot.
The Bachata has very basic and simple footwork that moves in a side to side or forward to back motion. The romantic character of the Bachata is achieved from the sensual hip and body actions. Good use of the knees helps produce the desired hip movement.
Salsa & Bachata Music
In 1933 Cuban songwriter Ignacio Piniero wrote the song, Echale Salsita (throw on some sauce) after tasting food which lacked the Cuban spices. But it wasn't until 1962 when Jimmy Sabater's tune, Salsa y Bembe suggested the dancers liven it up or spice it up by adding a little "salsa" (sauce) to their movement when they danced.
The music of the Bachata is the root of the dance. The tempo is slow, approximately 120 beats per minute and is played in 4/4. Bachata music can be referred to as latin 'blues' music. It usually tells the tale of sadness in love and is the most romantic genre of guitar music this century.
Social Dancing
Fox Trot is a wildly popular social dance, making it an excellent style to learn when you are first stating on your dance journey. We play Fox Trot songs at every Social Party, ensuring you can practice the steps, meet new people and have a great night.