Private Dance Lessons
During a student’s one-on-one personalised lesson, they will receive individually-tailored instruction that will help achieve their goals in dancing.
Personalised coaching
Our one-on-one lessons allow you to have focused learning time designed to fit your dance goals. Our instructors know how to adapt to each individual student and tailor the lesson to your learning style.
Want to have a whole lesson dancing to work on your fitness? Rather learn about technique and develop quality of movement? Maybe some stress relief, dancing to your favourite tunes? Whatever it is that helps you get the most out of your dance lessons, is the approach we’ll take.
Team teaching
While our students all have a key instructor that guides their learning, we believe that having regular exchange lessons with other teachers can benefit the process. By having access to a team of teachers with different perspectives, teaching styles and dance backgrounds - you’ll be able to develop your dancing more widely and quickly. Our instructors work together and keep clear plans for your lessons so no matter who you are learning with, the experience is seamless.