The AMIW Blog

Dance of the Month - Swing
Caitlin Hosking Caitlin Hosking

Dance of the Month - Swing

Swing is a whole world waiting to be explored. With its wide range of dances and characteristics there is something for everyone, whether you are new to dancing or have been dancing for years

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Managing Hard Times Through Dance
Caitlin Hosking Caitlin Hosking

Managing Hard Times Through Dance

Life has its good moments and its not so good moments. In our lowest, darkest moments it’s sometimes difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel; however, dancing has helped many people through troubled times.

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The Dancing Equation: “Dancing = Walking”
Caitlin Hosking Caitlin Hosking

The Dancing Equation: “Dancing = Walking”

You may have heard your teacher say “Dancing is just like walking. If you can walk you can dance and vice-versa” so why does it feel difficult or that our teacher is lying to us? 

So how is “dancing” and “walking” similar?

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Stretches for Dancers Without Leaving Your Chair
Caitlin Hosking Caitlin Hosking

Stretches for Dancers Without Leaving Your Chair

The little aches and niggles of every day life can become exasperated if we don’t look after ourselves when we dance. At Arthur Murray, we want you to have fun while you dance but also to do it safely. 

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